How Do I Start ReactJS Development?

How do I Start with ReactJS development

ReactJS has emerged as the most preferred solution in today’s fast-paced web development environment for all those developers who are into developing responsive and dynamic user interfaces. ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library maintained by Facebook for developing complex web applications that can change data without page reloads. This is very important to consider in creating modern web applications that demand efficiency, flexibility, and scalability.

In any case, when increasingly more enterprises continue to adopt ReactJS development, it is obvious that the demand for skilled ReactJS developers will continue to grow. Whether you’re an experienced one and looking to add ReactJS to your skill stack or even a complete fresher, in this guide, you’re going to learn ways through which you can get up and running with ReactJS development.

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Understanding ReactJS and Its Core Concepts

What is ReactJS?

ReactJS is a powerful library of JavaScript that is supposed to be used mostly for building user interfaces. Unlike other full frameworks, ReactJS focuses exclusively on the view layer of applications. The core strength of ReactJS features in its component-based architecture, which permits developers to break down the UI into reusable pieces.

Core Concepts of ReactJS

Embarking on the journey in the field of developing in ReactJS, it would be highly relevant to understand a few concepts that form the base of ReactJS:

  • JSX (JavaScript XML): JSX is an extension syntax for JavaScript that looks like HTML. It enables the developer to write HTML-like structures in the same file as the JavaScript code, which makes it easy to render UI components.
  • Components: React is all about components. Components are the building blocks of any React application. They can be functional-using functions to define them-or class-based-using ES6 classes.
  • Props and State: Props is a shortened form of properties, which is the way data is passed from one component to another. While State is to manage data within a component. Both these mechanisms are important for managing your UI’s behaviour and how it updates.
  • Virtual DOM: It has a virtual DOM that is a copy of the real DOM, and because of it React can perform better than others. It only updates what’s changed in the UI, it doesn’t re-render everything on every update.

Prerequisites for ReactJS Development

Before diving deep into ReactJS development, a few foundational skills and tools with which you should be comfortable are listed below.

Basic Knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript

React is built on top of plain web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You’ll need to master these first before diving into React. More precisely, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with modern JavaScript, more commonly known as ES6 features of JavaScript: arrow functions, destructuring, and classes.

Recommended Resources:

  • MDN for the basics of JavaScript
  • for advanced topics

Setting Up a Development Environment

First of all, to start working with React, you would like to set up a development environment. That said, you should have the following basic requirements set up, such as:

  • Node.js and npm: Node.js is used to build React projects, and all dependencies for such projects are managed via npm. You would install the required packages or dependencies through npm, and similarly for running the development server.
  • Text Editors: Some of the popular text editors-Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text-have helpful extensions and integrations for React development in editing/writing code.
  • Browser Developer Tools: As a React developer, one prefers debugging an application, inspecting it using Chrome or Firefox developer tools.

Setting Up Your First ReactJS Project

Using Create React App (CRA)

The easiest way to set up your first ReactJS development project is by using Create React App (CRA), a command-line tool that simplifies the process:

Install Node.js and npm if you haven’t already.

npm install -g create-react-app

  1. Create your React App
    npx create-react-app my-react-app
    cd my-react-app
    npm start
  2. Once the app is created, you’ll have a fully functional React project with a development server running. Visit http://localhost:3000 to view the app in your browser.

Understanding the Project Files

React projects have a basic folder structure that you’ll encounter:

  • public folder: Contains static files such as index.html.
  • src folder: This is where the main development happens. Files like App.js and index.js are essential, as they handle the primary component rendering.

Building Components in ReactJS

Creating Your First Component

A React component is essentially a JavaScript function or class that returns JSX. Let’s create a simple functional component:

function Greeting() {

  return <h1>Hello, React Developer!</h1>;


Functional components are easier to start with, but class components offer more advanced features like lifecycle methods.

Passing Data Between Components

React uses Props to pass data between components. For example, if you want a Greeting component to accept a name prop:

function Greeting(props) {

  return <h1>Hello, {}!</h1>;


You can then pass the prop when rendering the component:

<Greeting name=”XYZ” />

Handling Events

React handles events just like normal HTML, but with slight changes. For example, the onClick event:

<button onClick={() => alert(‘Button Clicked!’)}>Click Me</button>

Styling Your React Application

CSS in ReactJS

Styling in React can be done through regular CSS stylesheets or inline styles. You can link external stylesheets or apply inline styles using the style attribute:

const buttonStyle = {

  backgroundColor: ‘blue’,

  color: ‘white’,

  padding: ’10px’


<button style={buttonStyle}>Styled Button</button>

Using CSS Frameworks with React

Popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Material-UI can be integrated into React applications for pre-designed components and layouts:


npm install bootstrap

import ‘bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css’;


npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled

Introduction to React Hooks

React Hooks revolutionised how we manage state and side effects in functional components. Here are some key hooks:

useState Hook

useState allows you to add state to functional components:

const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Count: {count}</button>

useEffect Hook

useEffect is used to handle side effects like data fetching or subscribing to services:

useEffect(() => {

  document.title = `Count: ${count}`;

}, [count]);

Custom Hooks

You can also create your own custom hooks to reuse logic across multiple components:

function useCustomHook() {

  const [value, setValue] = useState(0);

  return [value, setValue];


State Management in ReactJS

Lifting State Up

To share state between components, you can “lift” the state up to a common ancestor component and pass it down as props.

Context API

React’s Context API allows you to manage global state without passing props manually through every component:

const UserContext = React.createContext();

Redux: An Overview

For complex applications, Redux is a popular library for managing state across the entire app. It provides a predictable state container, making your app easier to debug and test.

Routing in ReactJS

React Router is the standard library for routing in React applications. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Install React Router
    npm install react-router-dom 
  2. Define Routes
    In your App.js:

import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from ‘react-router-dom’;



    <Route path=”/about” component={About} />

    <Route path=”/” component={Home} />




Fetching Data from APIs

React makes it easy to fetch data using Fetch API or libraries like Axios:

useEffect(() => {


    .then(response => response.json())

    .then(data => setData(data));

}, []);

You can also handle loading states and errors using useState.

Best Practices for ReactJS Development

  • Reusable Components: Reutilize the same components throughout different parts of your application.
  • Scalability: Organise project files logically so that it might pay off if your application scales up or you are working on it after some time.
  • Optimise Performance: Lazy loading and higher-order component-like React.memo make sure that your application’s performance is supreme.

Useful Tools and Libraries for ReactJS Development

  • React Developer Tools: Available as browser extensions, they allow you to inspect and debug React components.
  • Popular Libraries: Libraries like React Bootstrap, React Spring (for animations), and Styled Components can further enhance your ReactJS development experience.

Looking for Best ReactJS Development Company? Consult Inwizards Technology Now!


At first, starting your journey with ReactJS development can be a daunting experience; once you have the right tool at hand and correct understanding of core concepts, you can go ahead and build powerful, scalable applications. Once you study this guide and practice consistently, in very little time you will be proficient in React and place yourself as an asset of value in the web development world.

So, now is the time to dive deep into ReactJS development and create dynamic web applications that stand out!

How Do I Start ReactJS Development?

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