5 Signs It’s Time to Outsource Mobile App Development: A Checklist for Growing Businesses

Signs It's Time to Outsource Mobile App Development

If anything characterizes the fast pace in today’s digital landscape, it has to be that of mobile apps. For example, recent research show that the size of the global mobile application market at US$407.31 billion by 2026. Any business that desires to remain competitive and relevant to the needs of their customers must have a strong mobile app; this is no longer an option. It can be challenging to develop a quality in-house application, though, especially when resources are limited with growing businesses. When you Outsource Mobile App Development, it helps in bringing external expertise onboard to help overcome this challenge of in-house development and instead focuses on what they do best—growing their business. But how can one tell if it’s the right time to outsource mobile app development?

In this blog post, we Inwizards, a leading web and app development company will examine five telltale signs that may point out that it’s the right time to outsource. We give you a practical checklist to assess the situation and make a correct decision. Knowing these five signs can be the key to growing your business, whether startup or established.

Want to know if outsourcing is the right move for your business?

Let’s dive into it and see the first sign.

5 Signs It’s Time to Outsource Mobile App Development

Sign 1: Lack of In-House Expertise

Building a mobile app requires a lot of diversified skill sets: from UI/UX design and frontend development to integration with the backend and testing. Unless your in-house team lacks these kinds of specialised skills, it is difficult for your app project to struggle and take to the air. Such a gap in expertise can cause a swarm of problems, ranging from delays and higher costs to a poor final product that disappoints users.

Suppose that the team in question knows web development quite well, while its experience with mobile technologies is less precise—for example, with Swift for iOS or Kotlin for Android. The results of this could be inefficient development processes, bugs, and an overall bad user experience.

Checklist Point: Does your team possess the necessary skills and experience in mobile application development? If not, then outsourcing is the solution. Engage external experts to let your application be developed using the latest technologies and best practices for the sake of quality.

This means that you are able to draw from a large pool of professionals who are experienced in developing mobile apps and hence get fresh insights, innovative solutions, and technical expertise that your in-house team might not be able to provide. Through outsourcing, the process of app development is much easier and faster, while the developed product stands a good chance of meeting user expectations.

If you are ticking this box, then it’s a sure sign that outsourcing is what your business needs. Bring in outsourced expertise to fill the gap in your company’s capabilities, maintain the momentum of your project, and deliver a top-grade app that will shine in the marketplace.

Sign 2: Project Overload and Tight Deadlines

The more your business grows, the more projects your team has to be able to handle. Several tasks at a time may quickly result in overload with projects if there are tight, impending deadlines. This will lower the quality of your mobile app and delay its release if your in-house team is stretched too thin.

For instance, if your in-house team is already working on a number of critical projects, assigning them the additional task of developing a mobile app can definitely put them in a situation of burnout. This can result in slowing down the development process of your app, an increased propensity for errors, and even missing deadlines. Delayed launches, in today’s competitive market, translate into lost opportunities and a weakened market position.

Checklist Point: Is your team struggling to manage present workloads while meeting set deadlines? If yes, outsourcing mobile app development can help alleviate the pressure. You hand over the project to an external team and get your in-house staff focused on the core area of their work without any compromise on the quality or speed of the work.

It provides a way for keeping your projects up to schedule and high standards. Experienced development teams can work either independently or in cooperation with your in-house team to ensure deadlines are met and that your app is delivered in a timely manner. Not only will this reduce the stress on your team, but it will also help your business reputation regarding timely, quality deliverables.

If you find this sign to be the case in your organisation, it’s a call to consider outsourcing for strategic workload management that will help in keeping projects running.

Sign 3: Need for Cost Efficiency

In-house development of a mobile app requires three major elements: time, expertise, and budget. The development team comes with high costs, especially regarding hiring, training, and maintenance. Just some of these expenses include salaries, benefits, licences on software, and continuous training.

While a majority of businesses cannot afford these costs, some—if not all—activities of the outsourcing will involve the above costs. This contrasts with the cost for such activities that emanate from an external source. Outsourcing will provide more competitive rates in comparison to allowing an in-house team to undertake the projects. Independent external development teams can offer better value for money, allowing access to top talent without the overhead that full-time staff brings.

Checklist point: Are you spending more on in-house development than you would by outsourcing? If you’re looking to really maximise your budget, consider exploring the financial benefits of outsourcing.

The cost-cutting through outsourcing is not at the cost of quality. You are gradually cutting your overhead expenses in totality while the delivery of an application remains at the highest quality. Apart from all these, outsourcing gives brilliant opportunities to resize development effort in accordance to your current needs, giving you flexibility and great control over budget matters.

In case you strive for cost efficiency without harm to quality, outsourcing mobile app development may well be the very solution you are looking for.

Know Why US Businesses Are Turning to India for App Development. Read More

Sign 4: Desire for Innovation and Fresh Perspectives

Innovation lies at the heart of a successful mobile app. But, with time, it all easily becomes a bit too flat when everything is handled in-house. Involving an external team can serve to revive your project, add some fresh viewpoints, and provide innovative solutions that you may not have considered.

External developers are often from all walks of life, having worked on nearly every kind of project imaginable. This kind of diversity can really open up unique ideas and creative approaches to make your app stand out in the crowd.

Checklist Point: Does your company feel stuck in its development process, needing fresh ideas to stay competitive? If so, outsourcing might be the key to unlocking innovation.

Outsource your mobile app development to a team with fresh eyes, and you might find that magic that truly sets your app apart from others. Teams can bring in new technologies and design trends or development practices that your in-house team wouldn’t have known. The end result will be not just a working but also truly innovative and engaging application for users.

If you are in need of creative ramp-up while developing, outsourcing can give exactly what one needs to take an app to new heights.

Sign 5: Focus on Core Business Activities

Running a business is no easy task, and the more your company grows, the more time it consumes. If you are spending more time managing your app development project rather than focusing on the core activities of your business, then probably that’s a signal to rethink your approach.

It allows you the freedom to shift the technical aspect of development into specialist hands so that you can have much more free time to take care of strategic growth, customer relationships, and other critical areas of your business.

Checklist Point: Is your company spending too much time and resources on developing apps instead of core business functions? If yes, then outsourcing might help you correct your focus.

You can involve external developers specialising in developing mobile apps, thereby making sure that your business keeps growing, does not get mired into the complexity of app development, and allows your internal team to focus on its strengths while the outsiders handle technical mishmash.

If you find that too much of your time is being drained into the development of the app and away from the core business activities, then outsourcing may be that strategic move you have to take to ensure continuity in business.

Looking for Best App Development Company to outsource? Consult Inwizards 


For any growing business, be it a lack of in-house expertise, overload of projects, cost concerns, the need for innovation, or the desire to simply focus on your core activities, outsourcing could be a solution to your needs.

All this can be achieved through external development teams, and thus such challenges shall be defeated; your app will be developed efficiently, cost-effectively, and with a fresh perspective. Take a step into outsourcing, using the checklist in this very post to analyze your situation if such signs sound familiar for your current needs.

Let outsourcing of mobile app development be that game changer for your business in providing high-quality apps while keeping the focus on what really matters: growing your business.

5 Signs It’s Time to Outsource Mobile App Development: A Checklist for Growing Businesses

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