Why Xamarin is the Best Choice for iOS App Development

Why Xamarin is the Best Choice for iOS App Development

In this fast-paced digital era of today, it is very important to get the proper framework for iOS development. Though a number of them are there in the market, choosing the best and most effective one is the task. This is where Xamarin comes to be the strong solution that goes with the benefits of cross-platform development and the power of native performance.

Recently, Xamarin has become a well-liked framework for developing applications on the iOS platform, especially in cases where an entrepreneur or startup with a comparatively low-budget project needs to launch the product into the market in short order. In this blog, we Inwizards, a leading App Development Company will see why Xamarin is the top deserving iOS application development framework because of its features, benefits, and uniqueness from other development frameworks.

What is Xamarin?

Xamarin is basically one of the cross-platform app development frameworks through which developers can create iOS, Android, and Windows apps using a single code base. It was introduced in the year 2011, and within no time, it hugely became famous. This was again acquired by Microsoft in the year 2016, thus helping to stabilize its position by being named as one of the top tools in the mobile app development world.

Xamarin lives inside the .NET environment and allows developers to write apps in C#, which is one of the languages synonymous with power and flexibility. It has managed to close the gap between cross-platform convenience and native performance, which gives unique value to any business looking to develop quality mobile apps without having to manage different codebases.

Xamarin’s Popularity

Enabling the streamlining of the development process while reducing associated costs, all while maintaining native-like performance, Xamarin has gained huge favor from developers and businesses. From some of the world’s most famous apps like Storyo and FreshDirect, companies have used Xamarin as a way to deliver top-of-the-line user experiences.

Know Why to choose Xamarin for cross-platform app development? Read More

Benefits of Using Xamarin for iOS App Development

A. Cost-Efficiency

Shared Codebase

One of the major associated advantages of using Xamarin has to do with its shared codebase. Developers can create a single set of code and then run it on various platforms, whether iOS, Android, or Windows. This will drastically reduce the time and efforts needed for developing apps across several operating systems; therefore, cost savings are enormous. For any startup and small business, that would mean channelizing resources efficiently.


Different codebases for various platforms have to be maintained, which can be frustrating at times. With Xamarin, companies are required to maintain a single codebase. This makes updating and fixing bugs very easy. This will not only minimise maintenance costs but also provide the same app experience across all platforms to the end-user.

B. Faster Time-to-Market

Reusable Code

Faster time-to-market is also achieved through the cross-platform shared codebase in Xamarin. The re-utilization of code across platforms can speed up the development process, hence helping a business launch its app faster. This is very helpful for startups since they need to get their product into the market rapidly to obtain a competitive advantage. 

Development Tools

Xamarin is fully interoperable with Visual Studio, probably the strongest integrated development environment available. Such integration makes available a raft of tools to the developer, which serve to boost productivity, including IntelliSense, debugging, and refactoring. Additionally, Xamarin supports hot reload, which allows developers to make changes and view the results straight away, thus further increasing development speed.

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C. Native Performance and User Experience

Access to Native APIs

While being cross-platform, Xamarin offers full access to native APIs and tools to the developers. In other words, leveraging Xamarin, applications can unlock the entire power of the underlying operating system. As a result, they perform exactly like native apps. For iOS development, this includes access to things like ARKit, CoreML, and even Apple’s tight security frameworks.

Native UI Components

Xamarin allows one to use Native UI components, making sure that both elements of the look and feel of the app are in accordance with the design guidelines of respective platforms. This turns very critical in the case of iOS apps where users anticipate a smooth and polished experience. At the same time, Xamarin empowers businesses to render an app that resembles being particularly designed for iOS, although it was built using cross-platform strategy.

D. Strong Support and Community

Microsoft Support

This is a Microsoft product, hence the support from one of the largest, most solid technology companies in the world. This includes regular updates and security patches, which helps a business be confident that their investment in Xamarin will be well-supported during the long term.

Active Community

Clearly, Xamarin has behind it a huge and energetic developer community, with massive numbers busy creating complementary libraries, tools, and resources. Actually, such effort by the community places Xamarin at the very edge of mobile development, wherein continuous addition of new features and improvements is always happening. For businesses, that means tapping into so much knowledge and many other resources to help them surmount any development barrier and really optimize their apps.

Xamarin vs. Other iOS Development Frameworks

A. Xamarin vs. Native iOS Development

Compared to native iOS development, one of the largest differences is in terms of time and cost. In the latter case, there are different codebases for each platform. This would mean that a business has to hire either multiple development teams or, alternatively, a few developers proficient in different languages and frameworks. This can be pretty expensive and time-consuming.

Whereas Xamarin allows enterprises to build iOS apps in a single codebase, again usable in the deployment of other platforms. That would reduce not only the development cost as a whole but also fasten up the process, making it very preferred for startups and businesses poor in resources.

However, it should also be noted that although Xamarin can provide close-to-native performance, there may be situations where native development would have to be used at least partly with an application. This mostly refers to applications with highly specialized functionality or those deeply integrated with platform-specific features.

B. Xamarin vs. Other Cross-Platform Frameworks

It’s often compared to other cross-platform frameworks like React Native and Flutter. While each of these has some strength, the ability of Xamarin to deliver near-native performance along with access to native APIs differentiates it from others.

One example could be React Native, really easy to use and with a huge community, although maybe sometimes slow in complex applications. On the other hand, Flutter offers great performance but uses another language, Dart, and its syntax and all the ecosystem are things that developers used to React Native would need to learn again.

The reason Xamarin will appeal to enterprises that are already invested in the Microsoft ecosystem is that it leverages both C# and tight integration with Visual Studio. Moreover, due to its very great support of native APIs and UI components, it ensures excellent user experience in apps.

When to Choose Xamarin for Your iOS App

A. Ideal Scenarios

Xamarin is the best choice for iOS app development in several scenarios:

  • Cross-platform needs: If your business is or will be building apps on more than one platform—iOS, Android, Windows—then Xamarin with its shared codebase is the most effective way.
  • Cost Efficiency: Startups and small companies with limited resources in terms of budget and time will greatly benefit from the costs saved and the faster development cycle provided by Xamarin.
  • Existing Microsoft Ecosystem: Smoothly integrates with Visual Studio and .NET if an enterprise is already using Microsoft technologies.

B. Considerations

While Xamarin is a powerful tool, there are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • Learning Curve: This might be a challenge for developers new to C# in general, the .NET ecosystem, or a publicly cloud-hosted project.
  • Specialized Functionality: For applications that need very specialized functionality or are bound to the platform, native development is likely still the best.

Despite these considerations, for most businesses, the benefits of using Xamarin far outweigh the drawbacks, making it a top choice for iOS app development.


Now that Xamarin is the principal cross-platform framework for developing mobile applications on iOS, it brings yet another advantage: cost efficiency, native performance, and high speed in development. For startups and business owners, this is an ideal solution to one of the perennial problems related to the process of mobile application development: the ability to develop and launch high-quality apps quickly and within budget.

With Xamarin, a business creates apps that work more than great on iOS and extends them to other platforms without major investments. Supported by Microsoft and powered by the tremendous community, Xamarin is likely to continue being in the rank of major players in the landscape of iOS App development.

Xamarin will indeed be among the options in case you are looking to develop one for iOS. To learn more about how Xamarin can benefit your business or get started on your next app development project, contact Inwizards today.

FAQs Of Choosing Xamarin for iOS development

Q1: Is Xamarin suitable for complex iOS apps?

A1: Yes, Xamarin is well-suited for complex iOS apps, particularly those that need to be developed for multiple platforms. It provides access to native APIs and performance, ensuring that even complex apps run smoothly.

Q2: How does Xamarin handle updates and maintenance for iOS apps?

A2: Xamarin simplifies updates and maintenance by allowing developers to manage a single codebase. This makes it easier to implement updates across platforms simultaneously, reducing the time and effort required for maintenance.

Q3: Can I use Xamarin if I only need an iOS app?

A3: Absolutely. While Xamarin is known for its cross-platform capabilities, it’s also a powerful tool for developing standalone iOS apps, offering the same benefits of cost-efficiency and faster development times.

Q4: How does Xamarin’s performance compare to native iOS development?

A4: Xamarin offers near-native performance for iOS apps. While native development may have a slight edge in highly specialized scenarios, Xamarin’s performance is generally comparable, making it a viable alternative for most apps.


Why Xamarin is the Best Choice for iOS App Development

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